Natalie Holmes | Official Site

join the community

Away from social media, I have the most wonderful community spread over Patreon and Bandcamp (& although I no longer stream on Twitch, I must thank the people who found me there over the time I did).

You’ll find:

✽ Endless music released exclusively on these platforms

✽ A way to support independent artists directly in a way that makes a real difference

✽ A channel to interact with me directly 

Patreon in particular holds a small group of listeners who’ve been supporting me from as little as a few months to over a decade, which blows my mind. Without them I’d have nowhere to share my new ideas as they are born, and that is the most wonderful gift. Here, new music arises every damn month, whereas I might only release something officially once a year.

On Bandcamp, I sometimes release little DIY projects that I feel like making by myself and releasing with less pressure/hype as I’d feel I should make about an official release. This means spontaneous live EP’s, instrumental albums, compilations of Patreon demos, alternative versions of existing originals and more. This is also where I sell all my physical merch, including albums, EP’s, and the hardback interactive lyric book I designed and illustrated to go with my last album, ‘Vitamin Be’.